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The Best Software For Drawing And Coloring Manga

As you know, most of our lessons centered on digital drawing and painting ...
But did not mention what software should be dealt with ...
Now ... I'll show you the most important programs, though they are many, but we will mention some of them ...
Let Us!

Photshop CS5/6

Better editing, animation, illustration, effects, a lot of stuff. You aren't limited to what you want to do with photoshop. You can cut an object out of one picture, paste it into another picture and make it look like the objetc belongs there. You can add shadows, take off shadows. Edit photos by erasing acne, freckles. You can add lighting and it's really useful for designing websites. Basically, whatever you create in your mind, you can create with photoshop!

Manga Studio

Although it has features in common with general-purpose graphics software such as Photoshop, its tool set is focused and optimized for use in creating comics. It has tools for creating panel layouts, sketching, inking, applying tones and textures, and creating word balloons and captions. Early versions were designed for black and white art with only spot color (the typical format of Japanese manga), but version 4 (released in 2007) introduced support for creating full-color art. The software manages both single-page and multi-page documents, in both right-to-left and left-to-right reading orientations. It supports input by a mouse or a digitizing tablet.

Paint Tool Sai

PaintTool SAI is a lightweight software focused solely on painting and drawing. Because of that, it doesn't include some of the common features that similar software has, such as text layers, gradients and shape tools, and therefore the finalizing touch of drawings is to be made in another program. This is helped by SAI's ability to export the files to other popular formats, like .psd or .bmp, in addition to its .sai-format.


I wish you the most beautiful times with these wonderful programs ...
Good-bye ... :)


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