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Manga Studio: Making Word Balloons in EX

Unlike the Debut version which I mainly cover in these Manga Studio tutorials, Manga Studio EX has other extra features that the standard software does not. Aside from sporting extra tones, images, and 3D assets, EX also allows it’s user a time-saving feature when making, using, and placing tones.

To use this feature, you have to open up your Material Folder. At the Tool Bar, you will see a yellow folder at the right side. Click on that to open up the Materials Folder window as seen below. On the left side under Default, you will see a folder called “Word Balloons”. Click on that to see some ready-made balloons that comes standard with the software.

To use the balloons, just select the word balloon you want and drag and drop it into the page. This automatically creates a new layer under Images and you can now move it around and place it where you want it to go (but make sure you select the Move Layer tool first or it won’t budge). Next, let’s place text in the balloon by selecting the Text tool and clicking in the balloon.

Type in your text and hit okay when done. The text will now be centered in the balloon. To fiddle with it some more, double click on the word balloon layer which will bring up the window shown above right. If you changed your mind regarding the shape of the word balloon, hit the drop down arrow under “Select Word Balloon” to easily change the word balloon currently in use. Check the Fit Text box if you want the balloon to automatically resize itself or if you prefer, you can resize it yourself by dragging and dropping the indigo- colored boxes surrounding the balloon.

Note: Resize your balloon before you hit the “Add Tail” button because once you select that, you cannot go back and resize the balloon!

Now, let’s add a tail by hitting the “Add Tail” button. A small box will pop up in the center of the word balloon. Select it and drag and drop it to the place where you want the tail to end. Once you drop it, a tail will automatically be generated for you. If you made a mistake or don’t like it, hit “Delete Tail” to get rid of it. If you want to rearrange your text, you can easily do that too by hitting the Text tab at the center.

Now that you know how to use the word balloon, let me show you how to make your own! First, make a new page. Next, draw a shape using the Lines, Curves, Ellipse, Rectangle or any other tool you want to. When you’re satisfied with your word balloon, click on File > Save Pattern as Word Balloon. This will bring up a window like below. Name your balloon at the upper field before hitting OK. You will then receive a message that says “The Word Balloon has been registered to the Material Palette”. If you click on the Material Folder and go to User > Word Balloon Materials, you should see your own creation sitting there ready to be used!


If you want to rename your word balloon or do anything else to it, click on the icon that looks like a ruler with an arrow next to it. Click on Properties to bring up a window. One of the options is to export and import word balloons which is pretty neat if you want to share your balloons with other folks* (51KB). ;D

* This set will ONLY work with EX! If you have the standard Manga Studio, then you will not be able to load this.

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